Rodent Control Services

Rodent Control Services

Rodent control services typically include the following:

  1. Inspection: A thorough inspection of the property to identify the type and extent of the rodent infestation.
  2. Treatment plan: Based on the inspection, the pest control service provider will develop a treatment plan that outlines the best course of action for eliminating the rodents.
  3. Trapping and baiting: Rodent control services often involve the use of traps or bait stations to capture and remove the rodents from the property. The pest control service provider may also use rodenticides, although this is typically a last resort.
  4. Exclusion: Pest control service providers will often seal off entry points and other areas where rodents may be entering the property in order to prevent future infestations.
  5. Sanitation and cleanup: Rodent control services may also include cleanup and sanitation efforts to remove any droppings, urine, or other materials left behind by the rodents.
  6. Follow-up visits: Pest control service providers may schedule follow-up visits to ensure that the rodent problem has been completely eradicated.
  7. Education: Pest control service providers may also offer education to homeowners or businesses on how to prevent future rodent problems, such as keeping food in sealed containers, reducing clutter, and maintaining good sanitation practices.
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